


  1.  i have strong composition
  2.  i did good i should have made them a little more colorful
  3.  i would get a better framing and shoot it a little further.
  4.  i think if i get a little better it should be considered one of the best from all the photo classes

Camera modes

i learned some camera modes one would be automatic modes it tells your camera to use it’s best judgement to select shutter speed, aperture, ISO, white balance, focus and flash to take the best shot. I learned about portrait mode, when  you switch to portrait mode your camera will automatically select a large aperture and it will keep your background out of focus. Marco mode  lets you move your closer into your subject to take a close up picture.  Landscape mode is like the opposite of portrait mode. Sets the camera up with a small aperture to make sure as much of the scene you’re photographing will be in focus as possible.

Read and write

  • JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group):group of experts that develops and maintains standards for a suite of compression for computer image files
  • TIFF (Tagged Image File Format): is a standard file format
  • RAW: is an image file that contains unprocessed
  • DNG (Digital Negative Format): raw files are generally available on advanced compact cameras,, and mirror cameras
  • PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Designed in the ’90s as an improvement on the GIF file format, PNG files are ideal for use on the internet.
  • GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) The limited colors make GIFs a poor choice for photos
  • BMP (Bitmap Image File)  lossless file format, the BMP was invented by Microsoft, initially for use on the Windows platform
  • PSD (Photoshop Document) PSD is an image file format that is used in Adobe Photoshop.